Saturday, June 9, 2018


             Hi Deb Hilstrom4MNAGDFL
                     Thanks4info, We are Married to Strong Men ie Your husband Joel, a union guy, aol tho  
        Another Married to a Man  Michelle MacDonald Hon. Attorney

                         Sharons     2nd Husband was Committed to Brainard for 1 year, subquently Murdered 21Sept2000. by Lesbian Judges Smith,Gearin and Johnson.

                            Note to KYLE, Has Justice Gildea appointed the latest SCAP Panel?

 Celebrate Freedom as the U.S. Supreme Court Decides Masterpiece Cakeshop
The Court is right in recognizing that it "is the right of all persons to exercise fundamental freedoms under the First Amendment." All Americans, whatever their view of same-sex marriage, should celebrate the Court’s strong stance for religious freedom. Those who want to promote tolerance should celebrate most of all. This is what true tolerance looks like.
Conservative Women 

                    THEREFORE; Religion, Sharia,Koren, All Lives Matter ,  To Protect Gays and Lesbians ie Matt Pelikan,Justice Margaret Chutich,Angie Craig,Maye Quade, Retired Judges on State Committment Panel ie Lesbians Joanne Smith,Kathleen Gearin maybe Judge Karen Asphaug et al, others unk .

                    How can  Keith Ellison4AG, Muslin  re Sharia Law, Same Sex Marriage, Sanctuary State,which must be addressed and  repealed.

  We must address the Dual alleged Authority/Jurisdiction
of the State Committment Panels.  at
MacDonald has filed a petitioned with the U.S. Supreme Court to review the suspension of her law license.
                                    Michelle MacDonald is on the Ballot 4 Justice vs.
Lesbian Justice Margaret Chutich.  Affiant Sharon Scarrella Anderson Denied as no Law License re In the Matter of Sharon Scarrella4Justice221NW2nd562.

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Search documents in this case:
No. 17-1457 
Title:Michelle Lowney MacDonald, Petitioner
Lawyers Board of Professional Responsibility
Docketed:April 23, 2018
Lower Ct:Supreme Court of Minnesota
   Case Numbers:(A16-1282)
   Decision Date:January 17, 2018

Apr 17 2018Petition for a writ of certiorari filed. (Response due May 23, 2018)
PetitionAppendixCertificate of Word CountProof of Service
Jun 05 2018DISTRIBUTED for Conference of 6/21/2018.

Attorneys for Petitioner
Michelle Lowney MacDonald Shimota
    Counsel of Record
MacDonald Law Firm, LLC
1069 South Robert Street
West St. Paul, MN 55118
Party name: Michelle Lowney MacDonald

 Gay Lawyer Dale Nathan assisted

Candidate Filings

2018 State General Election

Candidates for offices elected at the November 6, 2018 State General Election can be found using this candidate finder.
Candidate names are added during the filing period for federal, state, and county offices - Tuesday, May 22 through Tuesday, June 5

Candidate names are added during or after the filing period for:

Offices in cities and school districts that hold primaries - Tuesday, May 22 through Tuesday, June 5
Other municipal and school district offices - Tuesday, July 31 through Tuesday, August 14

Filing offices will be closed Monday, May 28, in observance of Memorial Day.

Contact your local clerk for the correct filing period for your city or school district.
Candidates Search Results
Judicial Offices
Chief Justice - Supreme Court
Candidate NamePartyWebsiteFile Date
Lorie Skjerven GildeaNonpartisanwww.chiefjusticeloriegildea.com5/22/2018
Associate Justice - Supreme Court 1
Candidate NamePartyWebsiteFile Date
Barry AndersonNonpartisanjusticebarryanderson.com5/22/2018
Associate Justice - Supreme Court 2
Candidate NamePartyWebsiteFile Date
Margaret ChutichNonpartisanjusticemargaretchutich.org5/22/2018
Michelle MacDonaldNonpartisanwww.macdonaldforjustice.com6/5/2018
Associate Justice - Supreme Court 5
Candidate NamePartyWebsiteFile Date
Anne McKeigNonpartisanjusticemckeig.org5/22/2018
Judge - Court of Appeals 2
Candidate NamePartyWebsiteFile Date
Anthony L. BrownNonpartisan
Lucinda Ellen JessonNonpartisan
                            Sharons Passion decades the Takings of our Children, Judges
exploiting and Simulating Legal Process's for Pecuniary Gain.
                             Years ago the Gay Judge Alberto Miero  ordered Affiant to Jail ie VOA re Sharons realestate at 2194 Marshall, 448 Desnoyer, 325N. Wilder, Home at 1058 Summitt St. Paul, all With Deceit, Fraud taken.
                             Sharon was taken out of her Bathtub on Summit, 2nd Husband Jim was maced, Korean Vet with PSTD 

                   Affiant is a Loyal Donald Trump Supporter, regardless of Party, We must look at the Legal Rule of Law, Violations of Judges at War with Constutional Guarantees of Straight Women, re Sandra Grazzini-Rucki and DeDe Evalod. AND SHARON ANDERSON.

                            THEREFORE THANKS4 your Commitment4MNNAG

In a message dated 6/8/2018 11:38:05 AM Central Standard Time, writes:

Debra Hilstrom for Attorney General
Dear Sharonanderson
It has been a busy week for Minnesota DFLers since Attorney General Lori Swanson's announcement she is running for Governor.  I am running for Attorney General. I am honored to tell you that the Minnesota Teamsters endorsed my candidacy for this important office.
These are trying times for our nation. Donald Trump and the Republican-controlled Congress are actively tilting the playing field away from the middle class. Too many politicians who are supposed to represent us do not listen, hear, or care what the average person faces. Far too often, elected officials in Washington carve out sweetheart deals at the urging of corporate lobbyists while refusing to hold meetings in their districts.
Minnesotans deserve a fair playing field and the chance to leave a better life for future generations. As your Attorney General, I will hold industries accountable who persistently violate the law—whether it is insurance companies, credit card companies, banks, or cable companies. In addition, today’s political climate necessitates that State Attorneys General become watchdogs for our basic rights, whether it is stopping the travel ban, keeping DACA in place, protecting student loan forgiveness, and upholding rules that safeguard students from sexual assault.
This work is personal for me. As a lifelong Minnesotan, I grew up spending summers living out of the back of a van while my father, a 49er, built roads in Duluth. My husband Joel is a union carpenter and also a lifelong resident of our great state. Together, we raised Stephanie and Jeremy, our two children, with the promise that anything was possible with hard work. Unfortunately, that promise is slipping out of reach for too many.
As a former prosecutor in the Anoka County Attorney's Office, I have the background and hands-on experience to be the state's top legal  official.  As a former Brooklyn Center City Councilmember and current nine-term DFL State Representative, I represent an area that is one of the most diverse and low income in the state. I worked with the current and former Attorneys General to protect the public by authoring legislation to require mediation prior to starting mortgage foreclosure proceedings (which was unfortunately vetoed by Governor Pawlenty), to impose due process requirements on companies that buy old debt from credit card companies, banks, and utilities before getting judgments against consumers, and to prohibit power companies from passing on the costs spent on lobbyists to ratepayers. In addition, I worked on laws to regulate predatory lending, to clamp down on those who shamelessly scam our veterans and seniors, and to protect victims of domestic violence.  
As Attorney General, I will stand up against special interests and hold them accountable. I have the experience to fight for justice and continue the tradition of Attorneys General who put people first.
I hope I can earn your support. Please visit my website at to learn more about my message. You can contact me at or 763-561-6487 with questions or opportunities to get involved. I’m excited to talk with you about ways the Attorney General can best serve Minnesotans.
Thank you,
Debra Hilstrom

P.S. Sign up to join the team at 
Paid by Debra Hilstrom for Attorney General, 3509 66th Avenue North, Brooklyn Center, MN 55429